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Trump’s pick to lead the FBI grilled by senators, reassures he has given no loyalty oath to Trump

Jul 13, 2017

WASHINGTON, U.S. – In the highly anticipated FBI confirmation hearing, former assistant attorney general for the criminal division under George W. Bush and President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the FBI, Christopher Wray took tough questions from senators. 

Wray, at the outset pledged independence and reassured senators he would be an independent government official and said he had not given any loyalty oath to the president.

During his confirmation hearing on Wednesday, that comes months after Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey, Wray promised to alert the committee of any attempts to interfere in Mueller’s probe.

Comey was fired at a time when he was overseeing the bureau’s investigation into Russia’s attempts to meddle in the 2016 presidential election and whether the Trump campaign colluded in that effort. 

The firing had prompted the appointment of a special counsel, Robert Mueller, to take on the investigation, and Mueller is now reportedly probing whether Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey.

The hearing began with Wray addressing one of the core questions of the hearing — whether he would remain independent from Trump. 

In his opening remarks, Wray touted his experience as a prosecutor and said friends in the FBI had taught him “much about playing it straight and following the facts wherever they may lead.”

He said, “If I am given the honor of leading this agency, I will never allow the FBI’s work to be driven by anything other than the facts, the law, and the impartial pursuit of justice. Full stop. My loyalty is to the Constitution and the rule of law. They have been my guideposts throughout my career, and I will continue to adhere to them no matter the test.”

He reiterated that position when questioned by Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, the Judiciary Committee chairman.

He said, “I believe to my core that there’s only one right way to do this job, and that is with strict independence, by the book, playing it straight, faithful to the Constitution, faithful to our laws and faithful to the best practices of the institution. Without fear, without favouritism and certainly without regard to any partisan political influence. And I would just say, anybody who thinks that I would be pulling punches as the FBI director sure doesn’t know me very well.”

He also clarified that he didn’t discuss Comey with Trump or take a loyalty oath.

Responding to questions from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the top Democrat on the committee, Wray said he did not discuss Comey or the circumstances surrounding his dismissal “at all with anyone in the White House.”

Wray said, “My only discussion on that topic at all was Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein making the observation to me at the time that I was first contacted about this position, by him, by Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein, was that now, special counsel, Mueller had been appointed to deal with that issue and that that in effect made for a better landscape for me to consider taking on this position.”

Later, responding to Democrat Sen. Patrick Leahy, Wray denied taking a loyalty pledge from the president, which Comey alleged Trump demanded of him while he was FBI director.

He said, “No one asked me for any kind of loyalty oath at any point during this process and I sure as heck didn’t offer one.”

Wray also added that he will alert committee of attempts to interfere in Mueller probe.

He told Feinstein that he would “absolutely” commit to informing the Judiciary Committee of any attempts to interfere with Mueller’s Russia probe if he can “do it legally and appropriately.”

He said, “Any time talking to this committee, I would consult with the appropriate officials to make sure that I’m not jeopardizing the investigation or anything like that. But I would consider an effort to tamper with Director Mueller’s investigation unacceptable and inappropriate and would need to be dealt with very sternly and appropriately indeed.”

He also denied playing a role in approving the highly controversial memos on torture issued by the George W. Bush administration, an issue the media has focussed more closely in days leading up to his confirmation hearing.

He said, “I can tell you that during my time as principal associate deputy attorney general, to my recollection, I never reviewed, much less provided comments on or input on and much less approved any memo from John Yoo on this topic. I understand that he thinks it’s possible he might have. I can only tell this committee that I have no recollection whatsoever of that. And it’s the kind of thing I think I would remember.”

Yoo had authored some of the memos and had previously testified that Wray may have received and commented on drafts of them at the time while working in the Bush Justice Department. 

When Feinstein cited that testimony during the questioning, Wray said the Office of Legal Counsel, which issued the memos, was not part of his portfolio at the time.

He also denounced torture as wrong, illegal and ineffective.

Wray said he would expect to continue FBI policy against using torture.

Another obvious issue that came up, as expected, were the Trump Jr. emails.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) pressed Wray on whether the president’s oldest son acted appropriately when he agreed to meet with a Russian lawyer in 2016, after he was told she was working on behalf of a Kremlin effort to elect his father.

Wray first declined to comment on what Graham initially described as “the email problems we’ve had with Donald Jr.” 

However, under questioning, Wray eventually suggested that people in similar situations should call the FBI.

Graham asked Wray, “If I got a call from somebody saying the Russian government wants to help Lindsey Graham get reelected, they’ve got dirt on Lindsey Graham’s opponent, should I take that meeting?”

To which, Wray said, “I would think you would want to consult with some good legal advisers before you did that.

Graham pushed, “So the answer is, should I call the FBI? You are going to be the director of the FBI, pal. So here is what I want you to tell every politician. If you get a call from somebody suggesting that a foreign government wants to help you by disparaging your opponent, tell us all to call the FBI.”

To which, Wray responded, “To the members of this committee, any threat or effort to interfere with our elections from any nation state or any non-state actor is the kind of thing the FBI would want to know.”

Graham said, “Alright, I will take that we should call you. And that’s a great answer.”

Commenting on another contentious issue, Wray told Graham that he does not doubt the intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia is to blame for the cyber attacks on Democratic Party officials during the presidential campaign last year. 

He said Russia was “a foreign nation that we have to deal with very warily” that is an adversary of the U.S. “in some situations.”

Wray even told Sen. Dick Durbin, a Democrat on the committee, “I think it would depend on the circumstances, senator. I think it would be highly unlikely, but I could imagine a situation where there would be some national security matter where it might call for it.”

He added, “My preference and my presumption would be that there should be people from the department working through the office of the deputy attorney general so that it’s not a one-on-one meeting. I think the relationship between any FBI director and any president needs to be a professional one, not a social one. And there certainly shouldn’t be any discussion between, one-on-one discussion between, the FBI director and any president about how to conduct particular investigations or cases.”

Commenting on Comey’s decision to take notes of his conversations with Trump, Wray suggested that he may decide to take notes of his interactions with Trump, but did not commit to it, saying it would depend on the situation.

He said, “Certainly I would distinguish, senator, if this is what you are driving at, between a sort of routine conversation and a very significant, important conversation, and ones that fall in the latter category, I would think it would behoove me to make sure there is an appropriate record of that.”

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